Getting More Out Of Your Garage

Posted on 23/06/2020

garage clearance

How to Clean Out Your Garage?

A lot of people desire a garage above all else when looking for a new home, and yet once they are in possession of one, they waste it completely. Having a garage can be a huge blessing when it comes to having extra storage space, and they are coveted by all who would like, but don’t yet have one. But yet, when you look in most people’s garages they are a mish-mash of junk and unwanted items, and in the majority of cases, the stuff is simply dumped there, and nothing can be easily found if and when it’s needed. What a waste! We believe that a garage can be the ultimate storage space, if you just use it wisely and do a garage clearance now and then. It can be a home for all those things that don’t fit in the home and most importantly it can be organised in a way that you can actually find things when you need them. In fact we believe this so strongly, we are on a mission to change how people use their garages. We want to show them the light, and help them get organised, and stop wasting that precious space. So if we have inspired you to take charge of your garage, we applaud you, and have cobbled together our top garage junk clearance tips for getting more out of (and into) your garage. Read on, and enjoy the extra space!

junk disposal
•    Don’t let it be ‘the junk room’ – if you don’t use your garage to store your car, or if you’re still got space left over, it’s tempting to let the garage become an all-purpose storage room. But don’t, try to set some boundaries, and don’t just throw old junk in there, if it needs to be thrown out, throw it out and send it for junk disposal, don’t just dump it in the garage.

tools storage
•    Use the walls – whether you store tools on the walls, or put up shelves, hanging baskets, or even hang your bike there, garage walls are a space saviour. Unlike the interior home walls, these won’t be on display regularly, so you can hang as much as you want on your walls without anyone judging you. This way you still have plenty of free space in the centre for large and heavy items (i.e. your car).

garage junk removal
•    Go big – if your garage is fairly tall, don’t waste the high up space. Either put in tall cabinets or install high shelves (and make sure you have a ladder handy). Higher storage is perfect for not only creating more floor/wall space, but it also allows protection for more valuable items, preventing them from potential damp damage from the floor and ending up in the rubbish disposal bin as a result.

hobby workshop
•    Use it as a work space – if you have a personal side project or hobby that you like to spend time on, and always find your stuff cramped up in the home, expand to the garage. Make it your own personal work space, and relegate the unnecessary clutter elsewhere (or hire a clearance company to take it away, or recycle it). This way your garage isn’t just being used as an all-purpose store room, but it’s still saving you space, because you’re putting all your necessary hobby paraphernalia in there. Plus, it gives you a place to escape to when you need it.

clutter free garage
•    Make it pleasant – a lot of the time people abuse their garage space because it’s cold, miserable, and dank. But if you invest some time into making your garage a nice extension of your home, then the temptation to simply dump a load of rubbish in there will diminish (after all you wouldn’t do that in your living room, would you?). Plus it makes it nicer when you do have to go in there.

You can use your garage space to a much more productively. Just do a thorough garage clearance, dump the junk and organise the rest well, and voila – you’ll have all the space you need!

Daniel McCarty
Daniel McCarty

Since an early age, Daniel's enthusiasm for order has blossomed into a successful career as a waste removal specialist. He takes satisfaction in transforming disorderly spaces into practical ones, providing clients relief from the challenges of clutter.

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